Tool Comparison

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Delve by Sidewalk Labs

Delve by Sidewalk Labs

Delve is a generative design solution that uses machine learning to empower real estate teams to design better, faster, with less risk. To learn more about Delve and request a demo please reach out to

Case Studies

Key Facts

Company Stage

Growth Stage (Series C and Beyond)

Free Trial

More than 30 days


Revit Rhino




Project Phase Specialty

Project Type Specialty

Target Industry

Target Firm Size

Project Phase Specialty

Planning and Programming (Pre-Design) Schematic Design (Conceptual Design)

Project Type Specialty


Target Industry


Target Firm Size


Project Phase Specialty

Planning and Programming (Pre-Design)

Project Type Specialty

All Residential Urban Design

Target Industry

All Architecture Real Estate and Development

Target Firm Size

All Large (100+ employees)

Additional Info

Spacemaker is a cloud-based AI software that allows users to explore and analyze different options for a given site. Spacemaker also provides a platform where architects, developers, consultants, and municipalities can collaborate.
Hypar is a design automation platform for buildings. Anyone, anywhere can create and share design logic so everyone can build better. We also deliver sector-specific applications, like our workplace planning solution, powered by our platform.
Delve is a generative design product that uses machine learning to help real estate teams design better and faster with less risk. Delve identifies the best neighborhood design for a project based on the development team’s priority outcomes. By revealing the optimal design option, Delve helps developers meet or exceed a project’s economic goals while improving quality-of-life outcomes for residents and businesses. To learn more about Delve and request a demo please reach out to

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