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Construction's most complete tracking Doxel tracks all visible trades and over 80+ stages of construction, capturing even the smallest of details that can cause delays or trade stacking. Powerful tools for the office and the field Software that makes more work for the team doesn't work. Doxel gives Project Executives objective visibility while Superintendents who use Doxel spend 95% less time manually tracking progress. Mitigate risk, introduce reliability & predictability Pictures only help with investigation, Doxel helps you mitigate and solve problems. Project leaders using Doxel are able to accelerate schedules by 11% on average and save 10% on monthly cash flow. How it works Only Doxel tracks all visible trades and analyzes your site with the most comprehensive image recognition in the construction industry Send us the BIM That's it, no VDC work for your team. We'll do the rest and get you started in less than 2 weeks Walk the Site A crew member walks the site as they normally do. The 360 camera mounted to a hard hat captures everything Image recognition Doxel AI analyzes the video, tracks all trades, over 80+ stages of construction, and compares to your BIM model and schedule.

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